by cffadmin | Jul 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
The UK Government has launched an enquiry into the use of RPI as a measure of inflation. It will be specifically asking whether RPI should be dropped as a measure of inflation. The impact if this is dropped is enormous – a vast gamut of contracts, pensions and...
by cffadmin | Jul 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
The last few weeks have proved yet again that fairness is missing in consumer finance, There is a need for real change. In the loans space – Fairmoney clearly fulfills the role. Amigo Loans In Saturday’s Times there were a series of articles on Amigo loans,...
by Laurence Julius | May 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
The Provvy: An expensive £170 million lesson on its “repayment option plan”. It demonstrates why it pays to be fair. One also wonders how this could occur in the wake of the PPI debacle. The Provvy have just be fined just under £2 million and order to pay...
by cffadmin | Mar 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
Non-Workplace pensions should have similar charges structures to new workplace pensions – its only fair. FCA has published an excellent discussion paper pointing out anomalies between the charging structure in old non workplace pensions and workplace pensions...
by cffadmin | Feb 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
Passive Funds but Active Pricing: IS THAT FAIR?????? The whole rationale about passive funds is that you are not paying large fees to a fund manager in order to outperform the market. And, there has been considerable furore over “closet trackers” – managers charging...
by cffadmin | Jan 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
This is one issue that every member of Parliament agrees on so why is the timetable so slow? Parliament wants the ban in place by June 2018. Why not immediate? The only people who gain by the delay are the scammers. Banning it is great in theory, but the scammers will...
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